Add option to always start with last used library

Started by Poison, April 07, 2020, 05:27:00 AM

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I'm using Observatory as my personal astro photo library.
As I'm using only one library, I would like to open Observatory and it will start with the recent used library (in my case my only library).

For now I have to start Observatory, choose my (only) library and that is a little annoying. :-)

All the best,

Sander Berents

Hi Oliver,

Reopening windows upon launching an application is a system-wide setting on macOS. Observatory is a native macOS application, and it also uses this mechanism. Open your System Preferences (Apple menu ▸ System Preferences), and change the state of the checkboxes I have outlined below. These are my settings, and on my system Observatory reopens its library windows automatically upon launching.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC


Sander Berents

The next update to Observatory will reopen the libraries automatically, regardless the system preferences. In the meantime, in Terminal enter

defaults write com.codeobsession.Observatory NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool true

This only has to be done once.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC

Sander Berents

This has been resolved in Observatory 1.5.2. When Observatory launches it now always reopens the libraries that were previously open.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC