Equipment & a location manager

Started by Lead_weight, March 28, 2018, 10:10:27 PM

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I'd like the ability to make a list of equipment and also a list of locations so that in those respective image areas, I can chose from a dropdown instead of typing it in each time.

Instrument needs some additional fields:
Barlow/Reducer (just needs 1 field)
Guiding camera
Guiding scope
Misc equipment (could be focusers, filter wheel, etc)

Further down the road, it would be cool to overlay the FOV of the camera/telescope/reducer/barlow combination over research images so that you can see your own FOV over different targets to make the best equipment selection for that particular target.

Sander Berents

I like the idea, and see a more generic solution in this. What you are really asking is customizable presets. Assign a name to a set of optional tags and attributes (e.g. observatory, camera, observer, etc), and the ability to select it.

An extension to this is customizable presets for the plate solver.

FOV overlays would be nice, but would have a much lower priority.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC


Please, sign me in for this idea.
At the moment I'm importing .png, .jpg files.
Now I have to add all my equipment by typing it in each time.

Sander Berents

True, but please note that you can do that for multiple images at once. Select the images for which you want to update some metadata, and then modify only those fields in the inspector you want to change for these images.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC