Calibration in stacks not working for different temperatures

Started by RogueSquadron, July 05, 2018, 03:58:20 AM

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I have a set of 20 images taken with my DSLR which vary in temperature. I have calibration frames for both temperatures used. When I apply the corresponding bias frames to the images always the other bias calibration frame switches to "other".

Sander Berents

Could you please provide more details?

With two sets of bias, dark & light frames, each set taken at two different temperatures, after creating the two master bias frames and two master dark frames, calibrating the light frames showed only the corresponding master bias and dark frames in the Calibrate adjustment (in addition to "None"), as expected.

Please provide a more detailed description so I can replicate the steps you were taking.

If "Other" is displayed in the calibration list, this typically means that the selected calibration frame cannot be found anymore or otherwise became invalid. For example, you add the Calibrate adjustment to a light frame, select a master bias frame there, and then later remove or change that master bias frame.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC


Okay, here is what I did:

1.) setting the right bias frames for the images taken with 19° temperature.
2.) setting the right bias frames for the images taken with 21° temperature.
3.) Going back to the images taken with 19° and there Observatory does not show the bias frame chosen before, but just "other"
4.) setting again the right bias frames for the images taken with 19° temperature
5.) when I now look at the ones with 21° those are shown with other.

It seems, once you set calibration frames, Observatory sets for all images, that have another calibration frame just "other"