Calibration Master Allowable Temperature Variability

Started by fsantore, April 19, 2020, 12:52:54 PM

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Hi Sander-  I often have flats that are quite usable at a larger temperature difference than the .5 deg current Observatory setting.  Less so, but occasionally for darks as well.  Does the program currently allow overriding these constraints, or an adjustable allowed variance?  Thank you.  -Frank

Sander Berents

Hi Frank, previously you could just change the temperature in the inspector to force it to use a nonmatching calibration frame. But that doesn't seem to work anymore. I'll look into this for the next update.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC

Sander Berents

This issue was resolved in Observatory 1.5.1. Changing the value of the fields in the inspector once again can be used to force calibration.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC

Sander Berents

In Observatory 1.5.3 an additional option was added to the calibration adjustment that allows you to skip most of the validation. So this is now fully resolved.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC