Tracking Position Angle for Flats generation

Started by fsantore, April 25, 2020, 06:37:34 PM

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Hi Sander -

    I'm not following how Observatory deals with a set of flats' position angle (PA) relative to generating master flats.  I realize the user can encode PA into the file name and then handle operations manually.  But can Observatory get the Rotator Angle from the FITS header, provide it in the browser, encode it or an average (as is done with temps?) in generated flat master, then select the appropriate master using PA as well when Calibrating?  Seems like Bias and Darks are completely handled, while flats are limping a bit.  I'm probably missing something obvious here.

    Thanks very much and hope all are healthy and well in your world.


Sander Berents

Hi Frank,

Observatory currently completely ignores rotator angles for flats. I don't think I even have any flats with an encoded rotator angle in its FITS header available. Could you please share a few different ones with me using dropbox, including a light/bias/dark for development/test purposes?

Take care,
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC


Sander Berents

This issue was resolved in Observatory 1.5.1. It now extracts the rotator angle from the image when importing, and takes it into account for flat calibration.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC