PixInsight Solving Data Out of Place

Started by avalondria2050, January 07, 2023, 10:29:49 PM

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I know somebody reported this issue a while ago, but it seems to remain in the latest Observatory versions.

I am able to solve my images with PixInsight without any problem, but I can't do the same with both Observatory or astrometry.net. I don't know if it's because of the wide field or related to any other aspect of my images. I had to update PixInsight to Gaia EDR3 catalog a while ago to make it works with the most challenging images. And it does perfectly well.

The issue comes when I import that data into Observatory. As another user reported a while ago, Observatory shows the labels in an incorrect position. And yes, I export always in .XISF with the FITS Header Keywords enable, so that's not the issue.

I'm a new user, bought Observatory just today and I find this problem quite annoying.

Any possible solution to this? Can you check this for the next release?

Thank you



Edited: I have seen that pixel scale and FOV shows an absurd data that might be the origin of this problem.

Sander Berents

Hi Antonio,

I have replicated the problem with one of my images. The following workaround worked for me:

  • In PixInsight after plate solving, with the FITSHeader process, remove keywords PV1_1 and PV1_2.
  • Then after importing the image into Observatory, flip it with the Flip adjustment.

I'll include a fix for the first issue in the next release. Flipping the image will then still be necessary.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC


Hi, Sander.

Yes, this workaround works.

I already have to flip all my images coming from PixInsight, and it takes longer to load/render them when I have Flip applied, compared to an image without it. I'm using a Mac Studio Pro with a M1 Pro Max and 64GB RAM, so I think it should be capable to render the image faster after applying Flip. It would be even better if you could establish the right orientation for these images coming from PI by default to avoid flipping all the pics, as I have read that I'm not the only one with this situation.

Thank you



Sander Berents

Hi Antonio,

Observatory 1.6.7 has just been released. It fixes the overlay issue with images that were plate solved with PixInsight. It also flips the solution, so there's no need to flip the image.

Changing the orientation of the images is not part of this update.
Sander Berents
Code Obsession, LLC


Hi, Sander.

Yes, I saw the new version. It's an improve but I'm afraid it caused another problem. As I have to flip all the images from PI to have the right framing, the overlays only works with not flipped images. At least before the overlays worked right when flipping the image, but now it doesn't. So... I think right now fixing the right orientation for the PI images is even more needed. There are more bugs I would like to report, but I will do it in a separate topic.




Hi again.

Just want to suggest to implement ASTAP API for solving inside Observatory. The INDIGO guys are using it now for their suite ( Astroimager, AstroTelescope,... ) and it's working really well compared to their previos solution: http://www.hnsky.org/astap.htm I think is opensource.

